Three-Step Approach to Boost Productivity

Shamir Islam · May 16, 2023

Improving your productivity doesn’t always need to involve complex tools or applications. In fact, it can be as simple as consciously separating your work into three fundamental steps: planning, execution, and review.


Dedicate a specific time for planning your workday, week, or month. During this time, review your past performance and goals in order to plan future tasks based on the projects you have.

Pro-tip: While planning, eliminate distractions and focus solely on organizing your schedule and calendar.


Once you’ve planned properly, it’s time to move onto execution. Resist the urge to constantly adjust your plans; daily or weekly changes are generally unnecessary, though monthly adjustments may be required.

When executing tasks, remember to:

  • Prioritize each task one at a time.
  • Stay focused on the task at hand, rather than considering alternatives or daydreaming about other possibilities.


After completing the execution cycle, it’s time to review your results. Reflect upon how well you performed according to your initial plan. Identify areas that could be improved upon as well as those that went particularly well.

Note: Jotting down observations during this process can be extremely helpful. They don’t need to be elaborate but should serve as valuable input for future planning cycles.

By consistently separating these three modes – planning, executing, and reviewing – you’ll gradually improve over time. This method can increase productivity by cutting out distractions while keeping you focused throughout each step of the process, regardless of the tools you’re using.

Remember: stay diligent when executing tasks according to the plan set forth during the dedicated planning phase. This will maximize efficiency while minimizing distractions from shiny objects along the way!

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